Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall Home Show

Come visit our booth at the Capital City Mall . We'll be there right in front of Macy's today and tomorrow from 10-9p.m. You just might see an image from YOUR session being displayed. We're also giving away a free session and 11x14 mounted portrait. Stop by and say "HI".

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I've been tagged...

By one of my Photography buddies and pet photographer extraodinaire Barb B. The challenge is to list 8 random things abnout myself. So here they are in no particular order:

1. I can't drive stick shift-tried and it was horrible!
2. I hate being makes me physically sick.
3. I have a secret desire to get a tattoo-maybe someday when I'm not too chicken and I figure out what design I want and where I want it.
4. I have no arches-my feet that is.
5. I've always wanted to be a tap dancer.
6. I am a magazine junkie-don't ask how many subscriptions I get:0
7. I don't like rules of any kind-although I try my best to adhere to some of them.
8. My favorite outfit is a t-shirt and shorts and bare feet-casual all the way!!

Now on to tag a whole bunch of people.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Are seniors suppose to look this good???!!!

My beautiful niece came down for a visit this weekend with her family and we fit in her senior photo shoot. Now, this girl doesn't think she ever looks good! I may be biased, but I hardly doubt it when I say she's wrong and it's obvious from these images. Here's a sneak peek for you K.