Saturday, September 8, 2007

I've been tagged...

By one of my Photography buddies and pet photographer extraodinaire Barb B. The challenge is to list 8 random things abnout myself. So here they are in no particular order:

1. I can't drive stick shift-tried and it was horrible!
2. I hate being makes me physically sick.
3. I have a secret desire to get a tattoo-maybe someday when I'm not too chicken and I figure out what design I want and where I want it.
4. I have no arches-my feet that is.
5. I've always wanted to be a tap dancer.
6. I am a magazine junkie-don't ask how many subscriptions I get:0
7. I don't like rules of any kind-although I try my best to adhere to some of them.
8. My favorite outfit is a t-shirt and shorts and bare feet-casual all the way!!

Now on to tag a whole bunch of people.

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